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Gastric Balloon Non-Surgical Managed Weight Loss

The DFW Bariatric Institute is pleased to offer the gastric balloon as the latest innovation in non-surgical weight loss. The gastric balloon does not require surgery and is a minimally invasive procedure which, together with a comprehensive lifestyle program, has proven to help patients lose up to 2x more weight than diet and exercise alone.

What is the Gastric Balloon?

The gastric balloon is a silicon balloon placed in the stomach and inflated with either medical gas or saline solution, filling up space in the stomach. The gastric balloon helps patients lose weight by taking up space in the stomach which reduces appetite and the amount of calories consumed. It does not require surgery for placement or removal and has little downtime. The best results happen when the recommended diet and exercise program is followed. At our practice, we offer two gastric balloon options: the OBALON® Balloon System and ORBERA® Weight Loss Balloon.

How Does the Gastric Balloon Work?

The placement method of the gastric balloon depends on which balloon the patient chooses. The gastric balloon is put into place either by the patient swallowing it in capsule form in the clinic or placed in the stomach by our doctors while the patient is under light sedation. The placement typically takes less than 30 minutes and the device is in place for a period of up to six months. While in place it safely takes up space in your stomach, which will reduce your appetite and enable you to eat smaller portions, stick to your diet plan, and develop healthy habits.

Six months after initial placement, a procedure to deflate and remove the device will be performed under mild sedation. Along with our support, the habits that you develop will enable you to maintain successful weight loss after the balloon is removed.

Obalon® 3-Balloon System

The Obalon® Balloon System was the first FDA-approved swallowable gastric balloon technology. The system uses three balloons, placed one a time over a few months to help patients progressively lose weight. After six months, the balloons are removed endoscopically.

Like the other gastric balloon techniques, Obalon® is designed to be used in tandem with a diet and exercise program to help patients develop healthy eating and fitness habits so they can maintain long-term weight loss.

Orbera® Gastric Balloon

The ORBERA® Gastric Balloon is a single inflatable device made of soft silicone designed to help people lose weight who are moderately overweight. Together with the diet and lifestyle recommendations from the DFW Bariatric team, you can meet your weight loss goals for the long term. This nonsurgical and minimally invasive procedure is ideal for people looking to lose up to 40 lbs.

ReShape™ Non-Surgical Weight Loss Procedure

ReShape™ utilizes two connected, medical grade balloons, which are inserted through the mouth and then inflated with a sterile saline solution. The two connected balloons are designed to conform to the shape of your stomach, and give you a long lasting feeling of fullness that encourages weight loss. The team at DFW typically recommends the ORBERA® or Obalon® balloon, but will assess each candidate to determine a personalized approach to optimal weight loss.

Am I A Candidate?

Gastric Balloon is an innovative option for patients who are not interested in surgery or are not eligible for surgical procedures. The ideal candidate:

  • Is motivated to begin a healthier lifestyle, but has not found success with diet and exercise alone
  • Has a BMI between 30 and 40
  • Is between the ages of 18 and 60
  • Is willing to participate in a supportive weight loss program

Invest in Your Health

If you are tired of spending money and time on diet and fitness programs that don’t work, the gastric balloon is a proven way to support long term weight loss. Although the gastric balloon isn’t covered by insurance, we do offer payment options for the Obalon® Balloon System, Orbera® Gastric Balloon, and ReShape™ Balloon.

Through the comprehensive gastric balloon program, you develop the skills to maintain your weight loss and can move beyond dieting. After the gastric balloon program, patients often report more energy and confidence which allows them to have a more active and healthy life.

Wondering if a Gastric Balloon is right for you?

The DFW Bariatric team looks forward to answering your questions and helping you determine if a gastric balloon is right for you. Contact us today to to learn more about the Obalon® Gastric Balloon, ReShape™ procedure, or the ORBERA® Gastric Balloon and non-surgical managed weight loss.